what is the hotel taxes law for stays exceeding 30 days in Houston texas?
2006-02-15 18:19:40 UTC
We have an interim stay at a hotel exceeding 30 days coming up. Local hotels tell us there are no taxes if the stay exceeds 30 days according to law. Some refund the taxes pd for the 1st 30 days into the remaining stay. One says they quit charging taxes after 30 days but no credit for the 1st 30 days. What is the law?
One answer:
2006-02-15 18:21:44 UTC
Quoted from

* Stays of 30 days or more are exempt, but only if the guest advises the hotel/motel UPON ARRIVAL, of his or her intent to stay 30 or longer. Otherwise, the first 30 days are taxable.

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