What to do in Houston or near cities in seven days?
2006-01-25 15:59:15 UTC
My family will go next march to Houston,(2 seniors, 2 adults and 2 kids). I need recomendations for seven days (No NASA, ZOO, Galveston)
Three answers:
2006-01-25 16:46:29 UTC
go take a trip to visit the prison in huntsville (great museum and you might get to see some prisoners working instead of feeding off of tax dollars), get your windshield washed by a stranger under an overpass, develop cancer in pasadena, and count how many bullets you can dodge in fifth ward, or play parking lot on any given freeway at any given time. you can always waste the day away at the mall.
bc the zoo, nasa, galveston, and other typical things people see in houston are just crap.
in all seriousness, check out the museums. they have some great exhibits. i dont know if they are still around, but the mummy exhibit at the science museum was great and the princess diana exhibit is supposed to be wonderful.
2006-01-26 00:35:36 UTC
Try visithoustontexas.com or ask some of the thousands of Katrina evacuees still living here in hotels.