which airport is closest to Southern Texas University?
2005-12-09 04:22:59 UTC
which airport is closest to Southern Texas University?
Three answers:
Accountability Guy
2005-12-09 06:17:58 UTC
I assume you mean Texas Southern University. Hobby airport is by far the closest of the two airports in Houston (Bush International is on the far north side of Houston, probably 30 to 40 miles from TSU). Texas Southern and Hobby are both south of downtown Houston about 5 to 6 miles. The campus of TSU is approx 3 to 4 miles from Hobby airport . FYI, Texas Southern is also right next door to the University of Houston.
2016-09-24 07:09:31 UTC
Southern Texas University
2006-02-14 12:33:50 UTC
Don't vote for my answer. The above answer looks pretty good.

No further answer is needed, but a second answer is the only way to close the question.

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